Every girlfriend who wants to study God’s Word needs a took kit to help her dig deeper! Here are a few of my favorites in no particular order! I will also update this list from time to time as I find and use more resources.
- BibleGateway (website)
- Blue Letter Bible (Website)
- Webster’s Dictionary and Webster’s Dictionary of 1828
- Precepts Austin (Website)
- Warren Wiersbe Outlines: New Testament, Old Testament
Specific Books:
- Christ Centered Exposition: Exalting Christ in Ephesians – Tony Merida
- Women of the Word – Jen Wilken
Translations of Scripture (I commonly Use)
Word for Word Translations
- English Standard Version – I find this one of the most accurate translations of Scripture. For years I used NASB, but my church uses ESV, so over the years I have made this switch.
- CSB – This is a newer translation to me, but I also appreciate it’s accuracy and translation.
- KJV – when I study from Hebrew or Greek, the interlinear text I use works from the King James Version. So I consult it too.
- My current Bible: ESV Journaling Bible
Paraphrased Translations (I read after I have studied the original text)
- The Voice (Written by pastors, scholars, poets, and other artists to tell the overall story of the Bible. I use this because I love the language and find it readable. I often quote from it when I write because of this)
- The Message (Written to explain the “message” of the original text in modern day words).
- JB Phillips New Testament Translation (originally written for Phillips’ youth group this also uses modern language)