by Stacey Thacker | Jan 1, 2016 | What I Wore |
Happy 2016! As we look at this new year with hope, I thought it would be fun to share my favorite looks from 2015’s What I Wore series! January/February What I love about these outfits is layers. Since we have eternal summer here in Florida the few days...
by Stacey Thacker | Dec 14, 2015 | Hope for the Weary Mom
Rumor has it this new book is shipping out a few weeks early. I think that is perfect because I don’t know a mama who isn’t weary at Christmas. So we rejoice because Jesus, the Hope of all the World came. He brings good news for all of us, even weary...
by Stacey Thacker | Apr 2, 2013 | Encourage, Hope for the Weary Mom |
Today is the Tuesday after Spring Break. Easter baskets with plastic eggs sit on my counter with several pieces of second choice candy bits left over. The sun is warm (finally) and I’m trying hard not to drink a fourth cup of coffee. The past few weeks have been...
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