Happy Wednesday! I have posted the past couple of weeks of What I Wore on Instagram because life has been crazy! I’m blaming the book release on that. And also teaching school and the driving back and forth to all the places.  This post should be subtitled, “Boots are Back” because I just noticed I wore them all week. But I am not sorry because I was freezing.I think summer is coming back soon. I won’t lie, since I can’t feel my hands I’m pretty much ready for it.

Here is what I wore with my boots!

stacey_thacker whatiwore012016

Left:Hoodie (CAbi), Shirt (Loft), Jeans and scarf (American Eagle), Boots (gift).

I would live in this CAbi hoodie if I could. It is a few years old, but it is perfect when you really need a blanket with you because did I mention I was freezing all week? I may have also begged the cute scarf from my daughter.

Left Center: Shirt and jeans (American Eagle), White T (Loft), Boots (same)

Denim on denim is tricky. I think I have finally figured out after watching Fixer Upper and Joanna pull it off, it helps to have on white under the shirt. Just another reason to love that show.

Right Center: Jacket (Stitch Fix), Shirt (Nordtrom Rack), Jeans (same), Necklace (American Eagle), Cuff (Farmgirl)

I love this jacked and it might have to do with the fact it has shoulder pads. It makes me fondly remember the 1980’s. It also has sleeves you can push up and that works well for short girls like me.

Right: Sweater, shirt, leggings (Loft), Boots (same)

This is so cozy and I will be looking for more long and thin cardigans. They are my new favorite thing. It is still in stores and you can find it here!


Thanks for stopping by! It is good to be back. Next week, I’m going to try my best to NOT wear the boots ever day. Unless of course I do.

