
1. Releasing a book is sort of kind of like having a baby.

I am not the first person to say this, but this is the first time I have released a solo book project and it is the first time I have felt this way. So, I’m going to say it like I’m the only person who has ever said it. When Being OK with Where You Are released I was nervous.

“What  if they don’t like my book?”

“What if they think it is ugly?”

“What if no one wants to hold it?”


I was also tired from pulling later nighters trying to get it ready. The first week I kept hoping someone would bring me dinner and do my dishes. Then I realized my book was a book—not a person. I’m still pretty emotional about it, because now I feel like my heart is running around for everyone to read. See, it is so similar to motherhood.

You all have been amazing about the book. Really. You have oohed and ahhed over it and said the nicest things. You make a book mama proud. 


2.  I will never get used to comments like this. My heart is full.

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Let’s all pray for our sweet new friend in Zambia!


3. God has a better plan, always.

I have lived it this month, even when I can’t see the whole arc of His plan, He can. And His plan is always better than mine. He sees the end from the beginning. I have lean into it, because really, it is best.  I like this quote from Beth Moore (loving this study!):

“Faith sometimes means forgetting our desires because we trust Christ to have a better plan for our lives.”  – David 90 Day Study*


4. I don’t want to drink pumpkin anything in my cup. 


I really re-learned this, but every fall I feel the need to say it out loud. I know you may love pumpkin in your cup and that is totally fine with me. I’d prefer to drink a latte with a touch of Hazelnut in mine. I also rush right past those pumpkin shakes on Pinterst. Now muffins, are a different story all together.


5. I may want to join in for 31 Days in October, but what I really need is to read, listen, and recharge.

Yesterday, on a perfectly normal Thursday I talked myself into doing The Nester’s 31 Day October challenge. And then I talked myself out of doing it. My sweet friend Emily (her sister) has released a new book. It is beautiful and all about making art and the million little ways we show God to others* when we do. And, after her encouragement, I gave myself permission to just breath and rest easy in October. So, I’ll be here, but not for 31 days straight. I will however be cheering on all the others who take the challenge. I’m a huge fan.

So what will you be doing, drinking, and reading in October?

I’d love to hear!



*post contains Amazon affiliate links