Do you have a passion to write, speak, or start an online ministry?
As a coach I will help you:
- Replace your feelings of being overwhelmed by recognizing the next step you need to take as a writer.
- Discover your true voice.
- Stop agonizing over building your platform and enjoy sharing your message authentically.
- Unlock your potential by making your writing a priority.
I understand where you are completely. I’ve asked those same questions.I have been writing online for almost 10 years. I started a small blog called 29 Lincoln Avenue with the sole purpose to encourage, connect, and point women to God. Little by little I began to develop my own voice as a writer and build community through social media. I honestly believed that was going to be the extent of my writing. But God had other plans.
Doors began to open and in the past six years I have written 7 books (self-published and traditionally published), co-written books, started a group blog, spoken to thousands of women across the country, and launched my own ministry teaching women how to study the Word.
Along the way, I’ve met some amazing people and had meaningful conversations that helped me take the next step as a writer and speaker. I am now in a position where I would like to encourage other women in their journeys as well.
I’d love to be that person for you.
“If you want to write, speak, or lead others, Stacey Thacker can help. Stacey is a wealth of information and knowledge for those who want to share their message but need practical guidance in sharpening their delivery, building their audience, or marketing a brand, business, or Bible study! I have personally benefitted from Stacey’s uncanny way of thinking outside the box and know, firsthand, how her thoughtful, experienced counsel can move both a message and a messenger forward. Need encouragement from someone who knows what they are doing in the writer, speaker, and leader space? Stacey Thacker is your girl.”
“Stacey is a born encourager. For years, I’ve watched God use her Scripture-filled words of wisdom to bring clarity and courage to women, propelling us toward the everyday purposes and dreams God has for us.”
Coaching Sessions Can Include:
- Writing online
- How to navigate social media
- Self-Publishing
- Book Proposals
- Moving from an idea, to an outline, to the page
- Sharing your message
- Speaking as a writer
- Writing your story
- Finding your voice

I know it can help to talk to someone who is a step or two ahead of where you are. Let me be that person for you.