Howard Hendricks once said “After the Bible, the two things that will change your life the most are the people you meet and the books you read” (paraphrased). I have found this to be very true in my life. I thought it would be great to have a regular blog post featuring 5 questions and 5 minutes with a godly woman of influence. To kick off the series I’m going to introduce the 5 questions and answer them for you.

1. Where are you from?

Have you heard the song by John (used to be Cougar) Mellencamp, “I was born in a small town, my parents live in the same small town…” ? Well, I was born and raised in a small town right next to the town that song was written about in Southern Indiana. In fact, the name for my blog came from a house I lived in when I was a little girl. It was the kind of place where everyone knew you or your family. Life moved a bit slower. Often, I think of how differently my children are growing up. I am grateful for the abundant opportunities living in a larger city gives them, but there are times I miss the simplicity of life in a small town.

2. What are you looking forward to?

Let me start with telling you what looking forward actually means to me. I have been signing my name with this for about 9 years or so (it is also how I usually sign my blog). It began during an amazing study on the book of Hebrews with Kay Arthur. This study picked me up out of a pit and set me back on solid ground. I began to see my life in light of the bigger picture of eternity and Hebrews 12: 1 & 2. By saying looking forward I am reminding myself of what really matters. For me, it is to be faithful with what God has called me to today, and trust Him with what is going to happen tomorrow.

Looking forward also is about dreaming. Lately, my days are super packed with the business of daily life and there seems little time to dream. Still I do have a few! All of them involve teaching, encouraging, and a little bit of music. Right now, I am dreaming about sleeping all night because I have a four month old. I have a picture of a dream home that I would love to live in soon, before my kids are too big. I am also looking forward to where the Lord is going to take 29lincolnavenue as well. Some of these dreams are small, but isn’t it neat to know that God cares about our dreams, no matter the size of them? I know that His plan is bigger than I can imagine. When I fix my eyes on Him then I can see more clearly the path He has laid before me.

3. What is your favorite Bible verse or passage?

I have just mentioned Hebrews…the book that changed my life! It is truly the one book of the Bible I would take with me to a deserted island. It is rich with Old Testament lessons as well as New Testament revelations. But, my life verse is actually in Colossians chapter 3 verse 16:

Let the word of God richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

This verse is truly my heart and also who God made me to be. I am passionate about studying His word and letting it richly dwell in my life. Out of that comes wisdom and encouragement that God has called me to overflow to others. And singing is something that I love to do as well. That really is the sweet part of the verse. A promise that God gave me in a difficult time. I love when a verse like this intersects your life. It is like God takes this big heavenly flashlight and shines it on something that you have read a million times before. And then you see it and say, “Oh, is that for me? Wow, that is awesome.” His Word is truly living and active and sharp!

4. What is one book you have read other than the Bible that has impacted you the most?

Picking one book is really hard! So let me give you three very different reads:

  1. Hind’s Feet In High Places – Hurnard – allegory about our journey with the Good Sheppard. I am so like the main character Much Afraid.
  2. Pursuing God – Tozer – This will stretch you and you will never be the same.
  3. Keep A Quiet Heart – Elliot – a collection of short reads from the best of her writings. I call it my pit book. When I am discouraged I read it. After about a week in it, I am set right again. I also give this book out to friends or anyone the Lord leads me to!

5. Who inspires you?

Well, I hope to have some of these women interviewed here, so stay tuned! I can’t wait to introduce you to our first Friday Five Woman next week! Her love and passion for Jesus literally brings tears to my eyes. I am honored to know her. I am inspired by those people who know their God, hear His calling, and hold fast to Him! That is who I am striving to be in my own life. Knowing someone like that energizes me and encourages me to be all God created me to be!

Looking Forward,

P.S. One lucky person will win one of my favorite books, Keep A quiet Heart. Just leave a comment and answer the question, “Who inspires you?” Winner will be chosen at random by