
These words all describe how I felt as read this book. At it’s core, it is a book discipling our children in Christ. The book is broken into three sections. First Julie challenges you to Gather – by owning the mission, next to Sharpen – by being purposeful in the training of your children, and finally to Launch – by placing them in the hands of Christ “prepared as skillful weapons against the kingdom of darkness” By doing this you can raise children who will literally change the world.

The vision for this book came from a long time servant of Christ, Dr. M.A. Thomas or ‘Papa’, as he is often called. Serving in the poorest sections of India, Papa, received a calling from the Lord to gather, sharpen, and launch arrows who also happened to be orphans. As Julie describes, this method of discipleship can also work in our own homes with our children.

I think my favorite part of the book is in the chapter entitled “Shape Arrows At Home.” In it, Julie interviews several parents including Bob and Pam Tebo, Gregg and Sono Harris, and Josh McDowell . As a Florida girl, I have to give a special nod to this quote about recent Florida Gator and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow’s parents:

Tim had parents who stuck to the safer, long way home by committing themselves to raising arrows… Tim’s parents made decisions based on the big picture, not on immediate gratification, easy shortcuts, or personal comfort. From the beginning, they set out to raise kids who would make a lasting impact on this world.” P. 52

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past few years, you certainly know about Tim Tebow. You probably also know, that he was recently drafted to play in the NFL for the Denver Broncos. Even if you aren’t a football fan, you may have seen Tim and his mom in a Super Bowl Ad for for Life, produced by Focus on The Family. The amazing thing is that when Tim’s parents realized how gifted he was, they saw football as a platform for him to share Christ. Today, that vision is giving him the chance to share his testimony with people all over the world.

Tim is just one of a Million Arrows that God has used to change the world for Christ. His parents answered the call early on to become arrow shapers. I would highly encourage you to read One Million Arrows and you will be powerfully moved to consider how you might become an arrow shaper, too.

Looking Forward,

To Read a copy of Chapter 1, click here.
For information on how to order a copy, click here.

Julie Ferwerda is recognized for making the Bible exciting and relevant to everyday life through her writing and speaking. Her articles are featured in many Christian magazines and websites for both adults and teens, and she frequently volunteers her time and talents to international orphan ministry. Learn more at

P.S. I am also linking up today with Seeds of Faith and I Fellowship to promote this awesome book and the tour! I also happen to like what these neat women are doing to build a community of women online! Check them out!

Seeds Of Faith For The Christian Mom