A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you some of my favorites from around the blog world. The response from you was great! Here are a few more worthy finds…

The Best of Multitude Monday…

Jezamama made it to 1,000 gifts! I love that she calls herself a Gratitude Chaser. Isn’t that a great picture of being thankful? Find her post about the finish line here: (best button too!)

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Best Devotion on Friendship…

My sweet sister (in Christ) Kathleen texted me this link and with these words “Glad I’m fastened to you…” It made my day! Read this awesome devotion and text your girlfriend!

Proverbs 31: Encouragement for Today

Best Summer List…

Do you have plans this summer? I found this idea for a Summer List from Kimba at A Soft Place To Land who got it from:

We made ours and it looks like this:

And look! There is room at the bottom to keep adding ideas as we discover them. I think it will help us have a great and purposeful summer.

Have a great Friday!