We started the week in the 50’s and ended up in the 80’s! {Sorry, Amy! } I think we skipped Spring and went straight to Summer. Which, honestly, is fine by me.  I have tried to mix up my wardrobe a bit, and layering helps as it gets warmer throughout the day.  Here are a couple of things I wore this week:

Left: White cardigan (which I’m looking to replace) {Target}, Licorice tube top (yes!) {CAbi}, Khaki long shorts (Can’t decide if I love them or hate them!) {Izod}.

Middle: CAbi Cozy Hoodie (my last day to wear this for a while I’m sure), Yellow sleeveless top {Loft}, Jeans {Gap}.

Right: (My favorite) Black 3/4 cardigan {Walmart}, Grey t-shirt {Kohls}, Pink Cami {Walmart}, Jeans {more Gap}.


Question:   I probably wear t-shirts in some form every day.  My friend Erin rocked this t-shirt in honor of her husband for Valentines Day.  I love it and think she is ADOREable.   {She is @homewiththeboys and I’m @homewiththegirls and that makes me smile!} What do you think?  Can you rock a t-shirt without looking like you’ve given up on fashion all together?

the pleated poppy blog