Five years feels like five minutes and I’m thinking that in five more you’ll be twenty.

I’m so grateful for the chance to be your mommy and to have a

front row seat to every moment that flies by.

Counting 1,000 Gifts…

#770 Your laugh.

#771 The way your hair curls on the underneath side…where do they come from?

#772  You are 100% girl.

#773  How you told me how to show you I love you.

#774  5 years of Mommy Caroline (fri)Days…oh the fun we’ve had!

#775  Getting Starbucks with you.

#776  How my heart melted the first day you went to breakfast with your daddy.

#777  Listening to you sing every song on the radio.

#778  How being your mommy makes me better.

#779  Your growing love for Jesus.

#780  Celebrating who He is making  you to be, today!