This week I wore white —-all day long.
I threw on a sweater over a tank top and shorts
I woke up early Saturday to take advantage of sale at Old Navy. (60% off!)
I blew my diet on a Mocha Frappe from McDonalds.
Left :: White tunic shirt {Ann Taylor Loft}, Brown bermuda shorts {Old Navy}
Center :: Black Jacket {CAbi}, White Ribbed Tank {H&M}, Jeans {CAbi}
Right :: Sweater {CAbi}, Navy Blue Tank {Old Navy}, Shorts {Old Navy}
What did you do?
I LOVE that first white top on you! So classy
I held a brand new baby girl a few times – once at less than 12 hours old! And I almost died from the cuteness
brand new is so amazing…what a gift!
heading over your way now!
Cute outfits and, yes, those frappes are diet crushers!
but oh so good! it had been a while since I had one!
Love the first one the most!!!
♥ from ©
So cute Stacey. Really love the cardi in the last pic. And wearing white all day – what a huge accomplishment! Ha!
Thanks Stacy! Somehow I made it all day long without a spill or a mark on it!
Small miracles!
Such cute outfits Stacey! I also am married to a Mike, have four amazing kids and shop at the same stores. We could be friends!!
Oh how fun!!! Yes let’s be!
cute outfits! I hate when I blow my diet on something lol.
Very cute! I love the white shirt!
Oh I missed the 60% off at Old Navy. I hope you got some great items.
Love the CAbi! It is so fun to wear. Cute outfits and you look very pretty!
I bought jeggings…yep, that’s not a typo.
I love that your looks are always so easy breezy! And I seriously have no will power when it comes to food, so I’m always blowing the diet.:)
I’ve been super bad lately!! Thanks for stopping by Cate!
Hey Stacey,
I want your hair!
And I still use that Mary Kay amazing keeps your lips super soft balm that you gave me way back when you just had Emma and Abby. (Maybe I should use it more often? That was a long time ago!)
Just wanted to say hi
You are so cute. I can’t believe you still have that!! I need to see if you any updates from the busy local events! I loved your last post!
CAbi – never heard of them! Will have to google! Great outfits. I’m forever wearing black!
Hi! I found you through The Pleated Poppy. I’ve actually been “stalking” the meme for awhile before I did my first WIWW post, lol! I love your black jacket in the middle, it is darling and you look so cute in all your outfits!
I was wondering how you got three photos to post side by side? I made a collage in something called Picnik but the photos uploaded really small on blogger, so I think I did something wrong. I can’t seem to resize them to any different size. Do you mind sharing how you got a collage of such nice sized photos? Thanks for any help that you have time to give!
I actually do use Picnik for my photo resizing. One thing that might be helpful is to find out how large your posting window is – or what is the maximum size you can tile your photos to be. After making the collage (I really like the 3 across for these posts) I choose “resize” from the “edit” tab on Picnik. I TRY to make all my photos the same size in width – for me that is about 600 px across. I keep the proportions and just set the width on Picnik. Then I save the image and import it to the full size of that 600 px wide picture on my wordpress blog. I’m trying to remember with blogger, but I think you have 3 image sizes you can choose. I’d pick the largest always for the best impact.
I hope this helps!