I didn’t know I needed it.  In fact, I’ve been running at full speed with a heart full of good intentions. This worked well for me, until I happened to walk by a mirror last week.  I didn’t recognize the tired worn thin lady looking back at me. I’ve been trying so hard to become a better version of me, I lost her. Or maybe I found her, and I didn’t like what I saw. As it turns out, there are a few things rising to the surface that I thought were long gone.  What do you do when you are in the story of your life and you don’t like the way your character is behaving? How do you fix her?

I confess I am lazy to the core. I’ve watched every movie about your books, but never let the words you wrote on the page sink down deep in my soul.  So last week, I decided to read “Pride and Prejudice.” It took me about 72 hours to go from cover to cover. You could say it made an impression.

But guess what I found in the pages of your novel? Guess who was hiding in the background and finding her way back to the story of her own life?  I found me.  I saw bits and pieces and remembered who and why I was becoming that girl anyway.  Just like Emily, I realized that the Author of my life has a way of meeting us right were we are and using whatever story He needs to to bring us home.

It’s funny, in your story I found love, pursuit, redemption, and yes grace. And He found a back door to my heart to lighten the heavy and weave in a bit more hope.  In doing so He let me know, that the last chapter of my story has not yet been written.

Looking Forward,



What about you dear friend?  Have you read anything lately that has made an impression?

What is on your nightstand?  What would you rather be reading right now?


For a free Kindle download of Pride and Prejudice, click the highlighted text.