In case you’ve wondered where Grace has been…

I tossed out a desperate post about not measuring up.  And God gave grace through your comments.

I blew it at least 10x’s with my kids.  I had to ask for forgiveness.  And God gave grace in their quick release of my errors.

God is still using His beautiful brush to paint strokes of Grace across my heart.

In fact, He is begging me to come away to a lonely place and rest a while. And I’m trying to figure that out.  How do you do that when, you can’t, really?

Next week, I’m going to share a book with you that has plain turned my heart upside down and inside out. It is all about Grace and that is all I can say about it right now. {hint: see the sidebar}  I’d like to spend each Tuesday in September chatting about it  {extra hint}.

Want to join me for Grace Notes in September?

I’d love it if you would. If you don’t have the book, it is available right now:


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