flickrphoto: heartbyseyedmostafazamani

You might buy into the fact that you are loved.
You might even begin to see that you are liked.
You might even, just for a minute or two think, “Sure, I can put a couple of great days back to back, and I’m not so bad.”

But then, it happens. You have one of those no good, awful, horrible bad days.  And you blow it.
You yell at your kids.
You lie to a friend.
You speak hurtfulness to your spouse.
You judge.
Or worse.
And in the midst of it,  you are shocked.  Embarrassed. Angry.
You don’t like you right now.
You’d send yourself to your room if you could, but you have to cook dinner.
So you withdraw and hide in your own heart, and hope and pray no one notices.

But, He does. And while you are swimming in the sea of your own guilt and shame,  Jesus is tenderly calling out to you, ” I want you to know, I think of you as already forgiven.” And somewhere in the middle of washing dishes you begin to believe it.  And then, He smiles, and stretches out His arms, and says,  “I’ve removed it as far as the East is to the West. It is gone. I carried away.  So there would not be anything between us.”
It overwhelms and tears drop into your soapy water and right there, in your kitchen on Oak Street, you run into His arms.


Is it like that for you?
It can be.
He wants you to know your sin is not greater than His power of forgiveness.  You could try to measure it, but East to West will get you every time.

Psalm 103:12
He has removed our sins as far from us
as the east is from the west.
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