Did you ever pretend you were invisible as a kid? Or maybe you wanted to be invisible last week, and hid at Starbucks.  Perhaps, you became invisible to a so called friend who walked right by you to chat with someone else.
He wants you to know that He sees you. His vision is 20/20 and His eyes are locked on you.  In fact, His Word says He not only sees you, but He searches for you.  His eyes are constantly looking to find you, beautiful girl. His purpose in this seeing, is to strongly support you.  He wants to keep you from crumbling down or caving in on yourself.  He knows what is going on in your life and why you feel invisible or want to feel invisible.
And the truth is, He has not lost sight of you for one minute. Not a second. Not ever.
2 Chronicles 16:9a
The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen
those whose hearts are fully committed to him…
: : :
[to see all the posts so far in 31 Days of What God Wants You to Know, click here.}