This in partnership with my dear friend Katie of Living Devotionally. I couldn’t be more excited!


Write it, Girl Starts Now!

Whatever is on your heart, whatever is going on in your life. Write it, girl.

I am a writer; make that declaration. Regardless of your background, your gifts, your grammar. Write it, girl.

Write with confidence in your space; that little corner of the web He’s given you. Ask Him to give you a vision for what He wants with your words and write it, girl.

Come and share your words, bring it to this safe place where you can write what is on your heart, and encourage others in their writing, as well. Write it, Girl!

Have a word on your heart? Go. Now. Write it, girl, then come back here and let us have it!
Have you written something recently you want to share? Come and link it up!

We will have a chance for you to share what you’ve written every Monday in November, and you can link up your posts here or over at Katie’s. All we ask is you read the post before yours and give a word of encouragement!

Grab a button code below and please insert it into your post.

{Link up here or at Living Devotionally one time is enough and the link should appear in both places!}