“Mommy, do grown ups wear dresses?”

“Sure they do honey. Do you think I should?”

“Yeah, that would be nice.”

Le sigh….guess I’ll be pinning some dresses on Pinterest this week! Here is what I wore last week.  Sorry Sweetie, no dresses!

Left: Tunic (H&M)

Middle: Stripe T-shirt (Cabi)

Right: Orange Cardigan (Ann Taylor Loft)

Jeans left to right: Skinny (American Eagle), Contemporary Style (Cabi), Essentials (Gap)


So, any suggestions on cute mommy friendly dresses I can wear slightly more often than never?

Happy! Happy! Wednesday!

Sweet Lindsey, the one I link up with each week for What I Wore Wednesday, is on a plane right now flying to India for a mission trip.  She is so adorable and you can read about her trip by clicking here.

{for more What I Wore Wednesday lovelies, click the button below}

pleated poppyOh and did you hear? Sisters in Bloom starts TODAY!  Be sure to check it out! I’ll be posting there tomorrow!