Or is it 1987…

It is true.  I loved Whitney Houston and in 1987 I wanted to BE her.  For my 16th birthday, 10 of my friends took me to her concert.  It was like so awesome. Seriously, I cried. She was amazing.  I was so sad to hear of her tragic death last week.

And yes, this me and my hair, and what I wore to her concert.

As for last week, it looked a bit more like this:

Left:  Cozy Hoodie (Cabi), Striped tank (BJ’s), Jeans (Gap)

Center:  Black t-shirt (Old Navy) Jeans – Edie Bauer

Right:  Grey sweater (H&M), Plum Ruffle Shirt (Ann Taylor Loft), Black pants (Ann Taylor Loft)


So what was your favorite Whitney song?  And how big was your hair in 1987?

{linking up with Lindsey today}