This week, I bought a dress because of this conversation, had a manicure date with my daughter and she chose red polish for me, and I finally got my hair cut.

Left:  Slate blue wrap dress {Kohls}, White Cardigan {Old Navy}

Center:  Red polish – {OPI Scarlet}  (first time eveh!)

Right:  Hair cut by Aida, who is awesome.  And those cute flowers are by Heather, who just had a sweet baby boy!


Some Randomness…

I’m thinking that for March, I will be posting WIWW every other week.

Are you a Writer Girl Check this out!

Honestly, at only $10 for a manicure – I’m going more often!

Best dressed at the Oscars? My vote was Michelle Williams.

If you like organic products, please be sure to see my post from yesterday!

Happy Leap Day, what are you doing today that you only get to do once every 4 years?

linking up here today!

pleated poppy