I’ve been thinking about writing one of those posts called a day in the life. You know the kind where I would snap a photo and tell you pretty much everything I was doing all day long.  I love those type of posts because you get to see stuff like peanut butter on the counter, a house full of toys, and the messy joy of life. It makes crazy mamas like me realize, I am actually pretty normal.

But then I get a text from my mom and I hear that my dad is sick again from the chemo and what I really want to do is sit on the floor and cry. And really, who wants to see that? I text her back and tell her it is going to get better. I mean it. As I pause to talk to Jesus, my toddler shows up and needs her diaper changed.  And so I do that instead of sitting on the floor and crying my eyes out. Seems like the right thing to do at the time.

And life lately is a mix, you know? We are praying and believing and begging God for miracles. While at the same time we are blowing out six birthday candles and getting ballerinas ready for their dance.  I am meeting the most lovely women, soaking up sound teaching and feeling the smile of the Lord.  But most nights tears fall down my cheek as I get the coffee maker ready for the next day and I think, “How can this weary mom do it again tomorrow?”

So in the midst of it all l think how bad I need to feel the fresh breath of His Word in my heart. I tell Him what I really need is a God summer.  He says, “You, me, 90 days and my Word.  I’ll give you that God summer.” I say yes and somehow so do hundreds of other women.

Truth be told, I am thrilled at the thought but here I am again with tears falling down. See, I believe in what Priscilla said.  I believe that “each time we read His Word He meets us there.” I know that each of these women will freshly meet their fearless Father and the Savior of their souls.  Because that is what He promised to do for them.

But if I’m honest, what I hungering for, is for Him to meet me. I know He will meet them, but I need to believe He will meet me. I lean back in my chair tears ready to drop and wonder how I am going to lead and encourage all these women in this journey when I can’t stop crying myself.

And in a lovely turn of events, the sky burst open and it is pouring rain like nobody’s business. I can almost hear the crunchy grass slurping down each drop. The baby shouts from her room, “Mommy it is raining,” just in case I missed it. It makes me laugh a little.  How could I miss it?

I remember reading these words,

“Let us know, let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hosea 6:3, ESV).

He will come to us.

And He will water the dry places.

And He will do it while we beg for miracles, diaper dirty babies, and cry over making coffee. He will. He is about to rain down.  I’m not going to miss it. How could I?


If you want to join me in reading 66 books of the Bible in 99 days for one amazing summer, click here.