Joy is everywhere…can you see it?  Do you need God to open your eyes? I know that there are days that my joy eyes see a little less.  Not because the joy is not there, but because I simply don’t have the vision to see it right before me. I pray, like Elisha’s servant, oh God, open your servant’s eyes.

The Joy Dare

522. 10 kids rehearsing all day for a Star Wars play written by my daughter.

523. 3 pizzas. 2 pitchers of lemonade. goldfish. rice krispie treats. popsicles.

524. Curtain calls in my living room.

525. The added bonus of hanging out with my friend Edie while the kids rehearsed.

526. Sweet! to celebrate.

527. Girls who read.

528. A ‘good’ report, no new cancer for my dad. Amen.

529. My 2 year old in the pool doing all she can to keep up with her sisters.

530. Getting school portfolios finished..ahhh!

531. Finally hitting publish on What God Wants You to Know.

532. Friends who cheer loudly.

533. Husbands who work all day to make it better.

534. Making new friends.

535. Pizza & movie night at home.

536. Messages from moms who are finding hope.

537. “Don’t be afraid, the prophet answered.  “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 2 Kings 6:16

538. Through it all – God’s eyes are always toward the faithful.

539. 28 days straight of reading God’s Word. Wow. {Bible 90 days}

540. This song, shared by Ann that I can’t stop signing.

541. A great chat over Sunday coffee with this girl.

542. A downpour of rain on Sunday afternoon.

Can you count the joy gifts today?  I’ll bet you can think of one, or two or three things that cause the joy to rise?  Would you share them here with me?