My halls are still decked.

The tree is in the same place I put it on November 30th.

I have a few things to return.

But I’m okay with it, really. I’m not in a rush to take down Christmas. It all came and went so quickly. Next year they won’t be 13, 10, 6, or 3.

So, if you don’t mind, I’ll take a couple more days to breathe it all in and tuck the memories into my heart.

I am, however, looking forward to this. . .

The Hope for the Weary Mom book club starts Monday January 7. I think we all need to start the year with a little hope, don’t you? One of my favorite things to do, is sit with other moms and share our hearts. This book club will be kind of like that. So stop by the “Hope” blog on Monday and bring your coffee. I’ll be there. So will lots of other moms. I hope you are one of them.



P.S. The feedback from the survey has been amazing! Thank you!  What did  I learn? Well, all of us want to learn more about growing in Christ, you would like more mom related posts, and you are awesome. So there will be more of all of that in 2013. Growth. Hope for Moms. Awesome you. I think it is going be a great year!