Being OK With Where You Are is my journey of moving from discouragement to worship and finding a promise to stand on in the middle of it all.  As you close the book, I hope you find yourself at the feet of Jesus with a heart full of gratitude and expectancy for your next step. I can’t wait to hear what that next step may be for you. So please, link up your blog posts, or leave a comment below. I would be honored to pray for you!

I have this amazing friend named Crystal and I’m excited to have her share her story today.  One of my favorite things about her is she has a beautiful heart to love on all of God’s daughters. She sends real mail at the right time and happens to understand my love of cupcakes and party banners. Do you know her? These are her words, and I know you will be blessed. 


How To Be Okay …Without The Fancy Baggage

by Crystal Stine

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one” — C.S. Lewis

Friend? Can I whisper something to you? You aren’t alone. I might not know exactly what you’re going through, or where life has taken you. I might not be able to know how you got to this place where you need to say “I’m Okay Where I Am”…but I know this. You aren’t alone, and you will be ok.

I didn’t think I would be ok. Several months ago everything fell apart. I lost what was comfortable, what was secure and what I thought was guaranteed. I had all of these worldly promises packed neatly into sparkly, fancy suitcases that I carried with me everywhere. An impressive title, a salary that funded my weekly trips to Target, job descriptions and responsibilities all ready to be unpacked in casual conversation.

I thought holding tightly onto that luggage meant that I was on my way, that I had “made it” and could rest in knowing that my family would never be in need. What God revealed to me was that no matter how cute, how sparkly, how designer the package – at the end of the day, it was still…baggage. And it did nothing to glorify Him as I used to it show off myself and my abilities.

So He took it away. The title, the financial security, the benefits – all of it was gone and I was left standing with a pile of ugliness at my feet and heart filled with shame and emptiness. Aren’t you glad my story doesn’t end there? I didn’t wake up the next day and say “Ok God, I’m good with this – let’s see what today brings.” I woke up the next day and cried. I mourned over the loss of where I used to be, what I’d lost, and how different our future looked. When I was done and ready to move on? God was waiting, ready to show me open doors that I would have ignored as I juggled all my baggage.

And now, I stand again with a foot in the unknown, unsure about what the future will bring. But I know that moving forward with empty arms, hands open to the blessings God has planned, will be more rewarding that any collection of cute, chevron, sparkly luggage. When I learned to say “I’m okay where I am” God knew I was ready for the next step.


 Our stories might be different. How you got to this place might look nothing like what I just shared, but believe me. Let me grab your hand tight right now and promise you that you aren’t alone. The enemy will try to convince you that you are, that you shouldn’t share your heart, your struggles with others but when you bring it to the light, there will be grace. You can be ok where you are. And God is faithful. Sit the baggage – however cute – at the foot of the cross and lean deep into God. He has good plans for you.


crystalstineprofilesmallCrystal’s heart is to encourage women through the written word. She is a toddler mama dedicated to her family, pursuing God Sized Dreams & her passions as a virtual assistant, marketing/social media professional, (in)courage Community Leader Coordinator , Allume  contributor & Raising Generations Today  team member. You can find her blogging at Crystal Stine, on Twitter, and Facebook.



Now it is your turn! Let’s link up our Being OK with Where You Are stories, one by one! The focus this week is on chapters 8, 9, 10 (Perseverance, Living Thankful, and Worship Anyway). A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Please make sure your linking up your post url not just your site url.
  • Keep the post on topic.  (I would hate to have to take it down if you wrote on your love of line dancing. Of course if that ties into you “Being OK with Where You Are” then go with it.)
  • Provide a link back to this blog.
  • If you link up, please visit at least one other writer/blog who linked up as well!
  • Want a button to include in your post? Use this one:
