
It is the most wonderful time of year. It is also most wonderfully crazy. Maybe you can relate to my life this past week:

  • One school play.
  • 3 night of Nutcracker performances with 3 different dancers.
  • Last minute, “I need a White Elephant Gift” for school.
  • Taking 3 kids to Michaels to pick out crafts (Have mercy, don’t do it.)
  • Grabbing a cookie mix off the shelf at the grocery because it is so much easier to just add an egg.
  • 2 trips to the dentist with my 7 year old.
  • Doing my best to make moments for my family when all I want to do is take a nap.
  • Shopping? Eventually…
  • And a partridge in a pear tree.
  • Side Note: this explains my blog being quiet this week!

And the list does not EVER end. I have this constant struggle in my heart to be amazing and simultaneously to throw my hands up and surrender. Life at the speed of mom is crazy on a normal day. But, this time of year it is more like warp speed. I realize now, more than ever, I need my very own cheer team to keep my eyes focused on the important not distracted by the urgent. And this time of year, everything seems urgent. Right?

So, who is on my cheer team?  (With a few examples, I could name many more!)

  1. Friends who pray for me (and tell me about it). My girls all dance ballet. This week in the epic most crazy time of all, their dance teacher told me she was praying for me. She, who was wrangling about 100 small dancers at the time. She,who loves on my girls several hours each week. She told me she was praying for me. It melted my heart and renewed my strength.
  2.  Friends who speak Truth. Really, if you have not purchased Ann’s Advent Devotional*, go ahead and do it. You can make it a Christmas gift to yourself and read it after Christmas. Because really, Advent is always happening. Her words are precious to me and turning my heart to Jesus. Drawing me closer. 
  3. Friends who use technology. Is technology a love language yet? I think it might me. Take for instance Voxer. This new(ish) app is a super quick way to speak words of encouragement over the lives of your girlfriends. I find conversations over the phone so difficult at this stage in my life. Voxer it is a walkie-talkie app and makes it possible for me to chat with friends when I can grab a second or two. It removes the urgent. I love this. Maybe for you it is Facebook or Twitter or Texting. Come to think of it, I like all of them, too!
  4. Friends who inspire me. Kat is so good at this. She is always telling me “You’re a mom and you’re kind of a big deal.” I’m starting to believe her. She is one big pep talk for moms.
  5. Friends who laugh out loud. You know, this is so important for me. Laughter lightens the load. It lifts our hearts. It reminds us of the importance of a single moment made joyful.



You know what? I want to be on your cheer team. I want to pray for you. I want to speak truth over your life. I want to take a moment to remind you what you do every day is super big deal. It does not have to be AMAZING (though you may feel it like me). It can be quiet and consistent. That can be amazing in itself.

Maybe, we could do that for each other today? Could we?

Show up.

Love our people.

Point them to Jesus.

Encourage others along the way.

Why not tag a friend and tell her she is doing a great job. You are praying for her. Send her a Starbucks card. 

I’m just guessing, she could really use it right about now!

Ready, OK?



(* affiliate link)

P.S. Have you liked my Facebook page yet? This is a great place to stay in touch and I’m having a fun giveaway over there soon!