“Parents who pray for their children recognize their own inability to change their children’s hearts, and put their faith and hope in the God who can.”

A new book from Brooke McGlothlin, #PrayingForBoys www.prayingforboys.com

Praying for Boys 250  I know what you are thinking. I don’t have boys. But, this girl mom has read this book and you need a copy. Put it on your counter, sit it beside your Bible, or leave it by your bed.

Pray for the boys in you life. Pray for your sons, nephews grandson, or  future sons-in-laws (in my case). The neat thing is, my sweet friend Brooke is going to walk with you every step of the way. She is awesome like that!

What I can tell you about Brooke is she lives what she writes. This is why she wrote it, in her own words:

“My husband and I have two boys who were born just 23 months apart. I probably don’t need to say much more than that, do I?? That’s enough to keep any mama on her knees! Actually, I’ve done a lot of hard things that I’m very proud of in my life, but raising my boys ranks up there as THE hardest thing I’ve ever done. In the book, I talk about how I asked God to give me boys, and that’s true, but the reality of the day to day mothering of what I like to refer to as “those boys,” (you know, the ones who are 250% boy?) often leaves me completely worn out. I realized early on in our parenting journey that I had no power to change their hearts. And while everything in me wanted to be able to snap my fingers and produce good, godly men, the Bible just doesn’t give us that parenting brookeMain-headshot-2-600-217x300formula. So in an effort to just do something, I started praying verses from the Bible for my sons…verses based on things I wanted to see the Lord develop in their hearts. It was my way of crying out to God to change them, but it ended up changing me, too. After a year or so of doing that, and of constantly hearing from moms on the MOB Society, my blog for mothers of boys, who wanted to raise godly men, but felt like they were losing the battle, I decided to create a resource that helped them learn how to pray for their sons. It seemed a simple answer to me at the time, but the longer I encourage moms to pray the more convinced I become that prayer is the most overlooked part of raising godly men.”

Can you relate? Oh friend, just click over now and get this at Amazon (affiliate link). Especially if it is 2 degrees at your house. Let them deliver it to you door on Thursday!

The MOB Society is having a huge Twitter party tonight and all sorts of bonus gifts when you buy the book this week! Check it out here!


Brooke McGlothlin is Co-founder of Raising Boys Media, where moms and dads come to discover delight in the chaos of raising boys. You can find her writing about fighting for the hearts of her sons at the MOB Society blog, or living a life in pursuit of Jesus at her personal blog www.brookemcglothlin.com. A normal day finds Brooke homeschooling her two boys, wrangling two large Labs, Toby and Siri, writing to bring hope to the messes of life (in the midst of her own messy life), and falling more and more in love with the man she’s had a crush on since the third grade (who just happens to be her husband).

Giveaway Time!

I love it so much I’m giving a way a copy to one of my readers! I want to spread the word for Brooke as well, so be sure to share it on Facebook, Pin it, or on Tweet it up. Let’s watch as God bends down to listen to the prayers of moms for their boys! I will pick a winner on Thursday and notify them by email!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


***This giveaway is now closed!