Today, all over Social Media there is a call to  share the#enditmovement and shine the light on human trafficking and slavery.



You might even see people around town with red “x’s” drawn on their hands.

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Awareness is key.

But today, I don’t want to stop there. I want to do something.

So, I bought one of these from a company I have a passion to partner with because they are on the front lines of rescuing women caught in the trafficking industry in India.

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You can buy the same bag at Freeset Global, too. I use these when I go grocery shopping and I promise you every time I do someone asks me where I get these amazing bags. I gladly tell them this is a bag that does good.

TODAY ONLY: (2/27) If you buy a bag and come back and leave a comment telling me what bag you purchased,  I’ll send you a free PDF copy of my newest book,Being OK with Where You Are.”

Find your own bag here:

(for more information on #enditnow go here. )