Have you ever said yes to something and not known why in the world God wanted you to? Have you thrown up your hands in desperation and cried a tear or two because why does He bother with you in anyway? But you arise and you go, and in the going you see how He knew all along the path and why. His slow reveal is the gift. His gentle hand always guiding is the assurance. And you say “Yes, Lord” I will arise and go and I will live thankful. You are worth it all.
Gifts 2193 – 2214
Seeing my girl grab onto her giftedness * Little “Mouse” on the Prairie * 4 Rivers BBQ
How everything that needs to get done gets done * He is a God of Hope, always * That God does not leave us to ourselves
His mercy chases after us no matter where we run * Safe travel * Bumping into friends at the airport
A quiet night in a hotel room * Sleeping in * Breakfast someone else made
New friends * Brooke made it to NY * Sweet lunch
Swag bags * More boot wearing weather * Bloggers
Moms * When you need HOPE now it is yours * Women in chairs, on the floor, and out the door
Heart full.
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