Hey there friends! I hope you are having a better time getting your Christmas shopping finished than I am. I just.can’t.get.it.done. Oh well, we have lots of time still right?

Monday I was really feeling this shirt:


( I found this at Marshalls not too long ago. Suits a Monday right?)

I tend to drink coffee by the pot, so it seemed like the right baseball t’shirt for me.

I also wore other things beside the coffee shirt, even though it really worked for all the days:

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Jeans: These are skinny jeans from American Eagle. I wear them almost everyday even after I SAID I was breaking up with them awhile ago.

Boots: My friend Angie gave me these boots. If it dips into the 70’s here, I wear them.

Left: Shirt (Loft), Scarf (Dayspring), Shoes (Target)

Middle: Shirt (Loft), Necklace (large pendant – American Eagle), Beads (Ornaments for Orphans), Cuff (Farmgirl Paints)

Right: Shirt (I shopped my friend Marion’s closet), Necklace (Foreverly)

Also I feel like I should tell you the day I wore the scarf I went to Panera and the sweet sales girl said she liked it. I felt that was a scarf win for me.

Have a super week!
