Yesterday our truck was stolen yesterday. I’m not making this up. It was there, and then either in the middle of the night, or after I left to take my girls to school it was gone. The timing is a bit foggy. What makes me smile is that I *think* it was there when we left for school. But, my neighbor said otherwise. So all day long I’ve thought, “How could I not notice the truck was missing?” And, “How did I not hear the truck being hoisted onto a tow truck at 2AM?” Crazy. Both scenarios.
Good news. We found it. The dealer has some sort of “location” device in the truck. They located it, notified the AMAZING sheriff’s department and they went and retrieved the truck, still on the tow truck waiting to be chopped for parts. In one day our truck was taken and returned.
I’m grateful and also completely unsettled at the same time. I’m sure you understand. I’ve landed somewhere here with Job,
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21
Here are a few things not be missed this week.
- The Fresh Out of Amazing Book club is starting January 2, 2017. You get a gorgeous free print for signing up. Please join me for the month of January as we take the invitation to see God big & amazing. Sign up here.
The E-book is still only $4.99. That is like the price of a Grande Latte. Grab it here. Also, send it to your BFF for Christmas.
3. My family. Gush. Gush. I updated our picture. Yes, I’m nearly the shortest in the group. I can still take the 7 yo though. See that here.
4. Listen to this podcast with my friend Heather and worship leader Christy Nockels on the “Thrill of Hope.” So very good while you wash dishes.
5. These Devotional Kits by Dayspring and Illustrated Faith are on sale. You could fill a stocking with it! I’m giving them to my girls this year for Advent. They will LOVE them. (affiliate link included)
6. A free Christmas lock screen for you. Because our Weary World need a little joy. (from Hope for the Weary Mom)
Have a lovely weekend my friends!
When I was in college, my car was stolen from the parking lot in front of my apartment in broad daylight. I saw the person drive away with it! I completely understand how unsettling a feeling that is and am so sorry! How amazing that it was retrieved so quickly!
PS I ADORE the free print, and your family is the cutest!
Did you go to college here 🙂 It seems to be an everyday thing according to the authorities. They were not surprised at all. I’m so glad you love the print!