
I am honored to be a guest writer at We Are That Family this week. I met Kristen years ago through blogging and have followed her journey with Mercy House Global from the beginning. I love her heart and the work God is doing through her. Love for you to join me there today. And check out her ministry and writing as well.


I walked the back halls at church doing my best to be invisible. Something about the last few weeks has turned this typically outgoing, extraverted girl into one who would rather run and hide. So, like the Samaritan woman who waited until the middle of the scorching hot day to draw life-giving water, I slipped in and out of my community because I didn’t want to be noticed. Sometimes it’s easy to hide in the middle of your life. Other times, it’s not.

I wasn’t successful in the dodging this time. Several friends came to hug me and inquire about how we were recovering from our brush with death and glory. As they wrapped arms around me I wrapped words together in response.” (keep reading here)

