

I absolutely love getting to drop in here and tell you GOOD NEWS. And this is good, right? For one week only you can get a copy of Is Jesus Worth It? for your favorite eReader for only $1.99. And at that price you could also email copies to all the girls in your Bible Study Group. (gifting by email is totally a thing)

I know you probably have full book shelves like I do. I have books on top of books on top of books. But my Kindle reader can always add another title. I hope you grab this one. If you do, let me know. I pray it blesses you as you draw near to Jesus.

Find eBooks at these online retailers. The sale runs through April 3, 2018.


Barnes and Noble

Christian Book




P.S. He is totally worth it. But read it anyway.

AND…Sign up here for my new Girlfriends’ Guide to the Bible Newsletter.

Next week I’m sending out a freeĀ  3 day email series called “Consider Jesus” just in time for Easter.