
I put words in a lot of places. I write notes on my phone, I make grocery lists on scraps paper that I almost always lose in the store, I have a journaling Bible filled with words in lined margins, and I still keep a daytimer that I saturate with notes-to-self and quotes from podcasts I don’t want to forget. 

Maybe you do the same thing.

I have found, there is something organic and necessary for me to grab a pen and write something down. This simple act of writing helps me be more thoughtful, intentional, and moves me towards action. I’ll admit, for a long while, I found myself more likely to write electronic notes because grabbing my phone just seemed easier. But, honestly, these types of speedy words do not have quite the same effect on my heart.

Thoughtful and intentional are definitely words I want to be true about my prayer life. Recently, the exercise of writing down my prayers became incredibly meaningful. I put them in my journal, and then after a time when my heart was ready, I put them on my blog to share with others. In a move that surprised even me, the Lord took 100 of those prayers and placed them in a book called Threadbare Prayer: Prayers for Hearts that Feel Hidden, Hurt, or Hopeless. This book has become tangible evidence of God’s merciful kindness at work in my threadbare heart. Each prayer is a tiny part of a larger transformation God is working in my heart at a deeper level. 

One of my greatest hopes with this book, is that you take these simple heartfelt prayers and make them your own. Especially on the days you can’t seem to form the words, I’d love for you to borrow mine. Can I encourage you to also grab a pen and write alongside me? Here are 4 quick ways you can journal your way through the book either in a separate notebook or in the margins:

  1. Copy the verse: Each prayer starts with truth from God’s Word. Because his word is living, active, and precise, we can be sure that it will accomplish what he wants it to in our hearts. Writing Scripture is the first step in healing our threadbare hearts. 
  2. Be honest with God: Tell him what is in your heart. Are you feeling hopeless? Do you have a deep heart wound you are hanging onto? Do you want to hide? Or, do you feel like no one really sees you? Write down every honest feeling. He knows already, but we still need to tell him. 
  3. Praise Him: Tell God who he is. Praise is part of every Threadbare Prayer and one of the most important ways we line our hearts up to the Father. It might  feel odd at first, but I promise it will be your favorite part after a while of every prayer.
  4. Write your simple prayer: You can copy the one suggested, or create your own. It is helpful to write it down, speak it out loud, and let it soothe your unsettled soul. And while you are praying, if the Lord brings another person’s name to mind, pray for them and then jot their name on that page. My book is filled with names of those God has whispered over my heart. 

Pro Tip:  As you finish your time with the Lord, be sure to write today’s date on the page in the book. I want you to USE this book. Write all over it. Fold over the pages, and if you happen to spill coffee on it, well that is just fine too. Use it until it is falling apart or you pass it on to a friend. My guess is the more threadbare your book becomes, your heart will be encouraged, strengthened, and filled with hope that only comes from the shepherd of our souls. 

To find out more about Threadbare Prayer, click here.