Tozer says grace and mercy are the same thing in heaven, but when they get to us, they are different.  Either way, I think these pictures could be about grace as well.  So, I’m adding these to Chatting At The Sky, Pictures of Grace Link up.

Counting 1,000 Gifts…

#479 Forever His mercy stands

#480  boundless

#481  overwhelming

#482  immense

#483  divine pity and compassion

#484  infinite

#485 inexhaustible

This moment, was captured through the lens of my husbands camera on my daughter’s 11th birthday last week. It in itself is a gift, the moment, the girls, the joy, and the flood of gratitude it brings.  I am joining others as we together chase after these moments and hold them always in our hearts.  Won’t you join us in counting them one by one? Just click the button below to find out more.

**Words below each photograph are  provided by the amazing A.W. Tozer, in his book on the attributes of God called Knowlede of the Holy.  I read the chapter on mercy last week and I was completely captivated by it. How precious of God to give me a visual image to go with them.

(#486-#490 mentioned as well above)

holy experience