Have you ever felt like you had so much to learn, and a book had so much to give, that it was a bit like drinking from a fire hydrant? Yeah, reading this book is like that.  Page by page, God is pealing away the layers of my heart and pointing out areas that are in need of His Grace.  My reasons for wanting to see Grace makes its way into my parenting are clear.  In fact, if my year long focus yields only one thing, I pray it is this:

I parent like God parents me – graciously.

I can’t possibly pull out everything from this book in 4 short blog posts. Instead, I will share what inspired me most during my reading.  Next year, when I read it (and I will read it again and again), I will probably see something else.  That is the mark of a great book. For today, I am focusing only on the first 2 chapters.  Let’s dig in!

What does a grace-based family look like? (chapter 1, page 19-22)

  • Grace based parents love God, walk with Him, and their children benefit from this.
  • Grace based parents are grateful people.
  • Grace based parents are “a breath of fresh air.”
  • Grace based parents do not let their fears control them.
  • Grace based parents realize their own need for Grace and forgiveness. They are not perfect and they know it.
  • Grace based parents experience the freedom to let God move in their kids lives and not jump the gun.
  • Grace based parents are able to see what matters and what doesn’t through the filter of God’s grace.

So you can see by page 22, I’m raising my hands high in the air and saying, “Oh yes Lord! That is what I want to be true in my family.” I’m also glad for the love and forgiveness part.  The more I learn, the more I have to learn.

But, just because we want it, doesn’t make it a reality in our homes.  Dr. Kimmel quickly identifies 3 of our kids driving inner needs and this is where our Grace Based lessons will be focused:

  1. Our kids need security.
  2. Our kids need significance.
  3. Our kids need strength.

While we seek to meet these needs on a daily basis, we have a chance to apply Grace.  Every.Single.Day.

But why is Grace so important in our parenting?  With Grace our heavenly Father…

sought us,

redeemed us,

protects us,

transforms us

and it is the bottom line in how He parents us.

At the end of the day, I have these precious gifts God has given me. My calling is to  lead them to Him, raise them up and send them out into the world as His children, not mine.  I love how Dr. Kimmel closes chapter 2 with this quote:

…God places parents as a light on a hill for their family…We are lighthouses, permanently established to show them the way home. (page 42)

The way home is all about Grace.  Because at the end of the journey, that is who they will find sitting on the throne. Wouldn’t it be great that they met Grace while living in my home?

***So, I really want this to be a discussion, even if you haven’t read the book YET.  What have you noticed to be true about Grace Based families? Why is Grace so vital in our parenting? How can I pray for you in this journey?

{next week I’ll be looking at chapters 3,4,&5}

Congratulations to Barb on winning a free copy of this amazing book!