He must have know, our questions.

He must have counted on our forgetfulness.

How could we miss it?  I mean really? The One who made this….

with a word.  And this…

just this morning, must have know.

He knew we would need it to be obvious. So He said this:

I want to show You, yes You great and mighty things.

Jeremiah  33:3

You, yes You. He is talking to YOU. (and me.)

I know I need to hear it over and over again. Because doubts are bullies.  And fears are so real sometimes I promise they have faces. I, too, forget who He is, every day, all day long, for me.

The truth is He is still the God of great and might y things. These THINGS are the rule, not the exception.

He wants you to know it.

He wants us to believe it deep down where it matters.


Do you know it?  Does it change the way you live?  He planned ahead to give you the promise in His written Word.  He thinks of everything.

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