Twenty-four days of What God Wants You to Know have come and gone. Has your heart been moved?  I hope so.  I know I needed to wade knee deep into these truths. Each one has been like a old friend I love hanging out with at Starbucks.

But what about the days, when, it doesn’t feel true? You read.  You memorize. You write it down.  But your feelings have left the building. I have so been there lately, have you?

It happens. And with only 6 days left in this series, God wants you to know that even when it doesn’t feel true, it is. He made you. He knows you are a woman with complicated feelings.  He knows who you are.  But, truth is not standing around waiting for you or I to feel good about it.  Truth just is. And sometimes, we have to take God at His Word and trust that at some point, the feelings will follow.

Now faith means putting our full confidence in the things we hope for, it means being certain of things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1

*J.B. Phillips Translation

Feelings are indicators, but they do not have to be dictators. What is really going on in your heart? Do you need to step off the crazy for a while? {Umm, yes!} Do you need a good friend to work through your feelings with you? {Amen!}

Better yet, we have the living breathing Word of God to turn to. His Word is going to live forever.  You can put your full confidence in it.  You can be certain it will not bend or break.  Even when you feel like you are, It will not.

The grass withers and the flowers fade,
but the word of our God stands forever.

Isaiah 40:8  (New Living Translation)

{For the first 24 days of this series, you can click the button above.}

*One of my favorites, written in every day language.  I first heard of it through Chuck Swindoll, and been looking for it for years.  I was so excited to find it online at Bible Gateway!