The Joy Dare is a challenge to find 1,000 gifts in 2012. 1,000 reasons to stop, count, raise my hands to the Lord and say, Thank you for this blessing. Joy is everywhere. It pours out from the heavens above.  It breathes life into hard days.  Joy finds me sometimes, even when I am not so good at looking for it.  These few things here, are a sweet reminder to me to keep counting, because if I miss even one, I miss a part of His heart for me.

352. Friends who share wisdom.

353.  My girls giggling with their friends.

354.  Cool breezes on an April afternoon.

355.  Tuesday with no where to be.

356.  10 years. 50 laborers. Serving others well.

357.  Saying yes to 1 year, and seeing God provide for 9 more.

358.  Red cheeked girls who jump on trampolines.

359.  A God who keeps all of His promises.

360.  Finding the perfect props for amazing costumes. For $1.00.

361.  Nervous jitters giving way to stellar performances.

362.  A boot scoot boogie by kindergarten class.

363.  A Rae of Sunshine who lights up the stage.

364.  Knowing God continues to write stories that will knit our hearts together.

365.  Motrin for babies with fever. Amen.

366.  Chalk drawings on sidewalks.

367.  Getting it all done.

368.  Katie. What a gift.

369.  Chasing down community.

370.  Women who are brave.

371.  My husband who makes it all possible.

372.  God’s heart for women.


What joy did you find this week?  What joy found you?