Multitude Monday

Counting 1,000 Gifts… #561 Story telling that draws hearts to the Greatest Story told. #562 He became like us. #563 “His law is love and His gospel is peace”. #564  Hearing my 4 year old sing songs of Christmas from the back seat. #565   Watching my...

Multitude Monday

#551 Harvesting a years worth of gratitude. #552 The table overflowing with blessings. #553 Four year old Thanksgiving prayers that end with “Happy Christmas Eve!” #554 Sharing Psalm 100 with our girls and the knowing His Word does not return void. #555 My...

Multitude Monday

Counting 1,000 Gifts #543 He who began in a good work in me WILL complete it. {Philippians 1:6} #544 The 4 year old that delights and challenges me all at the same time. #545 Light and momentary afflictions that show me He is in control. #546 Words of encouragement....

Multitude Monday

The few gathered at my hometown Baptist church each Sunday evening, were faithful and informal.  Pastor would say, “Does anyone have a praise?” The deacon would raise his hand and say in his signature base voice, “I’d like to thank God...

Multitude Monday

Counting 1,000 Gifts…. There is nothing like a week overwhelmed by sickness to cause you to dig down deep and discover gratitude for the simple and the holy. #524 The 100 other things He spared us from this week. #525 Blue mouthwash. #526 Mercy that comes when...