Multitude Monday

I’ve been challenged by Oswald Chambers recently to be broken bread and poured out wine.  Ann spoke  similarly of this in One Thousand Gifts – receiving thanks, giving thanks, and becoming the thanks offering.   Mostly, I get to the broken part and find...

Multitude Monday

We have to build a foundation where we have seen the goodness of God in ways all around us, every day. This is where the growth begins, so lest you start to think that writing down things that seem insignificant has no relation to crises, I urge you to reconsider....

Multitude Monday

Sometimes, I’m so busy surviving my life that I forget that this is my life.  It needs to be lived, counted, remembered and celebrated.  Each moment is precious.  This moment is precious. Counting 1,000 Gifts… #661 Disappointment turned into fun. #662...

Multitude Monday

I am by nature a connector. The  friendship of women truly blesses my life.   There have been seasons in my life where loneliness hung around me like a cloak and drove my heart hard to His side.  In those time He was my only friend. This week He reminded me that my...

Multitude Monday

Sometimes a week starts normal and ends in glory.  Sometimes we have eyes to see the rhythm and sway of everyday life is divine. Because each moment really is a gift, that we will never get back. Counting 1,000 Gifts… #639 Hands on piano keys playing scales....