by Stacey Thacker | Aug 5, 2010 | Thankful |
This past weekend I was supposed to jet of for my first real girl’s get away weekend in over two years. I told you all about it last Friday. I was very excited and truly in need of some time of refreshment. My gracious husband encouraged me to go and agreed...
by Stacey Thacker | Aug 2, 2010 | Multitude Monday, Thankful, Uncategorized |
Counting 1,000 Gifts #417 Side splitting laughter. #418 Stories that make us cry. #419 Answered prayers. #420 Safe enough to share your heart. #421 Eighteen years strong. #422 Sisters in every way that counts. #423 IU Cru Girls weekend...
by Stacey Thacker | Jul 27, 2010 | Thankful, Uncategorized |
The scene always played out the same when I was growing up. She would come in first, all 4 feet 11 inches of her. She’d have a tray of pecan spins in one hand and The Dog in the other. He would follow with a bag of groceries and of course, her purse....
by Stacey Thacker | Jul 25, 2010 | Multitude Monday, Thankful, Uncategorized |
Counting 1,000 Gifts…. #416 Knowing that the One who never changes holds me in His hands.
by Stacey Thacker | Jul 18, 2010 | Multitude Monday, Thankful, Uncategorized |
Counting 1,000 Gifts…. #401 How she worships with her whole heart. #402 Seeing who You are making her to be. #403 Her new eye for fashion. #405 How she leads by example. #406 Her clear calling to serve you. #407 A heart willing to obey. #408 Step Stool...
by Stacey Thacker | Jul 11, 2010 | Multitude Monday, Thankful, Uncategorized |
Counting 1,000 Gifts…. #388 The gift of a single moment with joy, silliness, laughter, and sisters.
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