The Porch :: TeriLynne

One of my favorite parts of Relevant was meeting many women who have impacted me from the blogging world.  Seeing them face to face showed me that this URL community works.  I believe that is because God is not bound by addresses or computer screens. He is limitless,...

The Porch

The first time I met Tiffany, was in a moment of desperation. My husband was away on a business trip for about 14 days, and I was home alone with 3 small children. A mutual friend ‘gifted’ me an afternoon alone by loaning me her babysitting services. She...

The Porch

I am so thrilled to introduce you to Joann. She is a M.O.D Squad mom of two and every time she shares her heart I am inspired to love Jesus more and be a mom of purpose. Recently, she shared this story about her daughter for our home school program. If you read one...

A Few Things

First of all, it is Friday and today is special because:(Insert cheers and dancing here!!!)I don’t think I have ever been more ready to enjoy summer than I am right now! It has been a great year, but it has also been a hard year. Earlier today I put all our...