10 Reasons Why I Blog

1. God called me to do it. After praying for a year, I finally said yes.2. It is a creative outlet for me.3. I love words!4. I have a passion to connect with other women and encourage them.5. I saw Julie & Julia and was inspired!6. It is a great keepsake for my...

How Will You Prepare?

How will you prepare for Easter?Oh how I love Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience. I can get lost in her words for hours. Today, I have been pondering this question she asked early in the week.We do a great job of preparing for Christmas, in fact we love the Advent...

How Do You Compare?

It is party day over at Heart to Heart With Holley! This was a great week of thought provoking questions. I chose my favorite entry and my comment to share with you today! I hope you have super weekend!It’s a junior high lunch table. We eavesdrop on giggly...

Who Shares Your Story?

I have been participating in a 21 day challenge through Dayspring and Heart to Heart with Holley. Today she is having a link party and asking us to share our favorite post from the week! I love this one from Wednesday January 27 called Who Shares Your Story? You can...

Design Girl Wannabe – Master Bedroom

I am so excited to finally have a plan for our master bedroom! I have searched high and low for design inspiration and a color scheme that captured the look and feel of what I wanted. After what seemed like years of looking , I found this beautiful room at Houzz:I...

I Have This Idea…

I’ve been thinking about starting a new small group. About a year ago I completed a 3 year covenant I made with 12 other women. We read, we studied The Word, we prayed, and we cried. A lot. Mostly though, we shared our lives around the table. I loved it. And I...