Back To School

#2 pencils. Fresh box of crayons. Pages yet to be read. New stories to be written. Lessons to learn. Tomorrow we go back to school.  Back to reality. Our schedule shifts into overdrive and begins to fill up with activities. I really needed this summer break, more than...

Chair Time

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 He is the same. He does not change. The same God who flung the stars into place, has created a story just for you to shine in. The same God who led His people out of slavery wants to set you free...


As I was sitting down to write this post, a quote by Max Lucado popped up in my Twitter feed: The power of prayer is not in the one who says it but in the One who hears it. You know what I think?  He wants us to lean in a little closer so He can whisper this great...

My Family Is Like…

I was reminded the other day how my family is something like a quilt.  It is comfortable, familiar, and a bit worn around the edges.  Each of us make up a part of it, and our lives are pieced together by the moments that define us. Birthdays, cookouts, and...