If your life is anything like mine, you meet yourself coming and going most days. It is nothing for me to work 17 hour days and collapse into bed wondering if I put the white clothes in the dryer and which of my girls need a good heart to heart tomorrow.
We do the things. All of them.
And we mother.
Some days we need a little heart to heart of our own.
Years ago, I would go to a blog and spend hours chasing links down on my own, but who has time for that today? I want to make this whole blog reading thing easy on you because I know right now you are probably sitting at ballet or soccer practice wishing you had tucked a book in your purse to read as you wait. I know you have your phone, and since you landed here, I’m praying these words I’ve gathered will help you find a little encouragement for your mom heart always in motion.
These are some of my favorites….
10 Totally Better Things to Say to a Weary Mom instead of You Look Tired: I am a weary mom. Obviously. I know, many days, ok most days, my messy ponytail and dark circles scream it in more ways than one. It doesn’t matter how much make-up I wear, it is written all over my face. Just in case you are looking for some other things to say to me, or any other weary mom you meet, here are 10 Totally Better Things to Say Instead.
3 Ways Motherhood is just like Middle school: I fumbled my way through those years trying to be seen and also trying to hide at the same time. Neither worked very well. Lately I’ve been thinking about how motherhood is just like middle school some days. Maybe you can relate.
Dear Weary Mom- Start with Hope: Lately, I find myself weary in ways I can’t quit. It isn’t like I can NOT drive my kids to school or feed them lunch. They need me and there are days when the need overwhelms my ability to meet it. In fact, it seems like that is more the norm than not. But the truth is, no matter how big my weariness feels, I am reminded that nothing I face today is impossible for Jesus.
P.S. Mom it Doesn’t Get Easier: We are moms. We are not called to easy. We are called to love. We are called to be faithful. There is nothing ever easy about being faithful and loving well.
What a Mama Needs: The mission we call motherhood is not for the faint of heart and the only thing that will get us through is the Word made flesh Himself. His Words bring courage. His Words also shed light on the dark places. And a challenge well spoken will rally us to the frontline willingly.
Dear Weary Mom: The original “Dear Weary Mom” letter I wrote. Because you were on my heart, even years ago.
On the Hardest Parts of mothering and writing: Are you a writer and a mom like me? This might be what you need to read.
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