Oh Skinny Jeans it has been fun. But, I’m breaking up with you.

For a while you were fun and hip and I could pretend like I was cool. But lately, I’ve had doubts. It isn’t you, it’s me.  I promise. It all started a month or so ago when I was shopping and I saw a few women who really should not have been wearing what they were wearing. I was thinking to myself, “Really, do they think that looks good on them?” and “Who let them leave the house like that?”

Then the thought hit me: “Do I EVER leave the house looking a bit ridiculous, too?”  I then spent several days trying to figure out what would be ridiculous for a 40 something year old like me to wear. For example, I know most of the clothes at Forever 21 are pretty much off-limits, but I can find cute accessories there and from time to time a shirt. But, what else is off limits?

I pondered on this. I made up blog titles in my head. (bloggers do that you know) And last week it hit me like a ton of bricks.

You have to go. Here is the photo to prove it:


Now, I know what you might be thinking. This isn’t too ridiculous. But, honey, I know we can do better.

Like this: 



Now do you see it, too? Maybe it is being north of 4o, or maybe I have finally made peace with the 5 extra pounds I can’t seem to walk off. Maybe I just appreciate the fact that this petite and curvy girl has better options.

Because I do.

So don’t be sad, pretty skinny jeans. There are lots of other girls who you are perfect for. And a few, who you may need to break up with yourself. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be hanging out in those boot cut, trouser, straight leg cousins of yours.

I’ll be just fine.



What I Wore:

{photo 1: White blouse, (Loft), tank (Target), skinny jeans (American Eagle), flats (Target)}

{photo 2: Orange blouse (Gap), white tank (H&M), Jeans (Lucky Brand), Shoes (loft)}


P.S. And by the way, if you are north of 40 or curvy (or both) and love your skinny jeans, please don’t break up with them. I’m sure you are very happy together and you should be. You go girl—I’m cheering you on!

Confession: I reunited with my Skinny Jeans. Read about why, here.