flickr photo by rachelcaitlin


In a house of 4 girls, one mama, and a very patient man, we have more words than Webster.

We have giggle words.

We have crying words.

We have teaching words.

Oh, and drama words, yes we have them, too.

But one question has me thinking hard today:

Is Grace spoken here?

Do my words show favor?

Do they feel my words wrap around their heart and hurt?

Can they hear me say “I am for you?”

Or do they walk away wondering if they matter?

If they are good enough?

If they belong?

And I realize, more often than I care to admit, my own words are far from a gift of grace. I know the only hope I have is found in the Word Himself.  He became flesh to dwell among us and speak our words so we could hear grace with our own ears.

You are loved.

You matter.

You belong, here.

And I pray, fill my heart first. May it overflow rich with grace. And pour out Your Words through me to the ears that matter most in my heart. And more than anything else, may grace be spoken here.

{2011 is a year I am learning Grace.  To join the journey, click here.}

Today I am joining the discussion between Ann and Holley as they share letters between friends about  loving Jesus with our words.