photo credit ann voskamp

  1. Gratitude will change you from the inside out.
  2. Each chapter is a gift.
  3. The words will cling to your heart.
  4. After you read it, you can read it again.
  5. It makes a beautiful coffee table book and will remind you each day to give thanks.
  6. To join the Bloom Bookclub @incourage
  7. It will cause you to see life with fresh eyes.
  8. Ann Voskamp is a modern day poet and you will love her.
  9. I will be quoting from it and you will be able to say, “Oh I loved that, too
  10. You will be surprised to learn the path from brokenness to healing starts with gratitude.

Buy it, here. (sale price for $10 through 01/24 @Dayspring)

Join the Bloom Bookclub, here.

Find Ann every day, here.