I make my way to my chair in the early morning when the house is dark with quiet.  I cradle my cup of Starbucks with both hands and settle under the blanket for warmth.  Slowly waking, I lean back and sink into our time together.  He is already there waiting for me.  We sit for what seems like a long time before either one of us says a word.  It is my favorite time of day.

It starts with a pinging sound.  One. Then two. Now more like a trickle.  Before long the gentle steadiness of the rain is all I hear. Rain is pouring down in the darkness interrupting my quiet. I take it all in, and all at once I am covered by this unexpected symphony.  It is as though it is just for me.

And I read grace. It says, “the LORD *longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He *waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are those who *long for Him”. {Isaiah 30:18} I turn these words around and around in my head and dig with tools at my fingertips.  I find:

  • the existing one waits to ambush me with favor and tender affection.
  • this highly exalted One, blesses those who long for Him with the same affection.

His longing is for me.  He waits to pour forth His favor. He sits exalted to show me mercy.  I see it is about relationship after all. Grace makes the relationship possible.

And as the rain continues to fall I am changed…

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.

Amazing love, now flowing down.

From hands and feet that were nailed to a tree,

And Grace flows down and covers me.

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