Lately, writing has not come so easily. In fact, I’ve been wondering if I will ever write anything worth reading again.  I’ve been worried a bit by my lack of draw to the keys.  My words seem stuck in a place I’m not allowed to go.  I often write in pictures.  I see something, and words flow from that picture.  But lately, I’m not seeing any pictures either.

The thing is, writing is how I make sense of it all and, I’ve been feeling disconnected. Words seem slow to come and I am lost in a whirlwind of crazy trying to grab on to something to make it all slow down a bit.

So I do what I’ve been told. I “drop” down a few lines and I try.  It feels like work and I hate that.  Words aren’t supposed to be work for a writer, girl. I write, erase, write some more, and backspace over those words.  It is like reminding myself how to breathe.  Nothing feels natural about it.

I guess like anything, writing is itself a journey. Maybe this is a place in the road I’m supposed to stop and rest a bit.  Perhaps the best thing to do is to quit trying so hard, breathe in and out, and listen.

What about you my friend?  Have you ever been here?  Do you know the feeling of being locked out from your own words?  What is to be done about it?  I’m listening…

{linking up here today}