
What feeds your soul God-sized dream girl? You know, that thing that energizes you and sets your heart on fire? The thing, that truly makes you want to sing? What brings you life? What is it that you do, that does not feel like work but play?

I know what feeds my heart. I know what breathes life into this weary mom. Daily, it is my relationship with Jesus. My favorite thing to do is go on dates with Him. He likes to go to Barnes and Noble with me and eat vanilla cupcakes. He listens so intently that I don’t have to speak. Since He is the source of my dreams, this not only encourages my heart, it gives me a fresh vision. Jesus, is awesome like that. Even when I can’t get a special hour or two away, He waits for me every morning in my big red chair to chat. See, He makes house calls, too.


The other thing that works wonders in my life is time with friends. Close personal friendships are fuel for me. I walk away from face to face time with them changed, lighter, and inspired to keep chasing my dreams. Without them, I dry up like a thirsty riverbed in need of a good spring rain.

But, here is the crazy mixed up truth: Purposeful time with Jesus and my friends doesn’t just happen in my life. I have to schedule it. Busy does a good job of squeezing these life giving activities out of my day. I’m learning, to look for pockets of time that I can guard and keep sacred for Jesus, and women who push me towards Him.

Because, my heart needs to beat with His.
And I need friends to share life and joy and yes dreams with.

Don’t you?

